Wednesday, June 3, 2015

That which gives a special mark on Mustique Island are 70 luxury villas

Mystique Island  (4)
Image by amy via Flickr
Mystique Island  (5)
Image by Alex Watson via Flickr
Mystique Island  (6)
Image by amy via Flickr
That which gives a special mark on Mustique Island are 70 luxury villas and only two small extremely expensive hotels “Ela Firefly” and “Cotton House Boutique”, where renting a room for only one night costs 520 dollars. Panoramic stretched hotels attracted by beautiful landscaping and architectural design with natural materials, unique decorations and Oriental and African stylish details are just some of the things that make this a perfect destination for summer vacations. However, to spend seven days on this island you would have a minimum of 5,500 euros per person, or 10 to 30 thousand dollars a day to rent a luxury villa. Otherwise, Mustique Island was a favorite destination of Princess Margaret, back in 1970′s, Kate Moss, Bill Gates, David Bowie and Mick Jagger.
Simplicity Beach
Image by Jason Pratt via Flickr


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