Thursday, June 4, 2015

Glow sticks in waterfalls

Kris Abildgaard and Sean Lenz are two California-based artists & photographers (you can visit their website here: From the Lenz). Kris and Sean had a great idea and just like all great ideas it is a very simple idea, the idea includes a camera, a waterfall and just a few glow sticks. The result ? Some say it looks like an underwater-nocturnal-rainbow, others say it looks like an experiment with waterborne radioactive wastes and some just call it Art. This series of long exposure photographs was dubbed “Neon Luminance“. the collaboration between Sean Lenz and Kristoffer Abildgaard has yielded truly amazing photographs, The two placed colorful glow sticks into several waterfalls in California and took long exposure photos that depicted the glowing trails of light of the submerged glow sticks down the water stream, at some occasions they taped together a few glow sticks of the same color to make sure the trails will be visible to the camera.
What about water contamination? Well all of the glow sticks were collected at the end of each exposure, no toxic harm to the environment. More photos of the “Neon Luminance” project can be found on their website
One little note aside just think about what happens if you dump a truckload of glow sticks into Niagara Falls, that could be epic.. but than again – probably impossible to locate them afterwards..

Glow sticks in waterfalls
Glow sticks in waterfalls
Glow sticks in waterfalls
Glow sticks in waterfalls
Glow sticks in waterfalls
Glow sticks in waterfalls


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