Picture by Andrew Dickman (Visit his amazing website)
Mitchell Falls
Mangatini Falls, New Zealand
Picture by Sigurdur Agnar Sigurbjornsson, visit his flickr
Picture by Philipp Häfeli (flickr)
Plitvice Lakes
Photo by Francesco Riccardo Iacomino (500px), (Website)
Havasu Falls, USA
Photo by David Rochas (websitefacebook page)
Iguacu Falls
Photo by Tobias Seiderer (Visit his site)
Victoria Falls
Angel Falls, Venezuela
Probably the world’s most famous waterfalls, many wrote us that the main reason for making it their favorite most amazing waterfall is due to the fact that there is a boat ride which enables one to reach close to the enormous stream of gushing and roaring falling water, this is truly a spectacular spot.
Niagara Falls